Welcome to Project Healthy Wealth Training Station

First Priority is this 

it is a great honor to welcome you to Project Healthy Wealth!

It is not every day we get to see a way to make a difference that can bring generational impact for the positive like what we have as Common Sense Distributors.

27 years in this industry has proved the perfect formula for success is simply having a Servant Heart. When your largest driver is helping others to improvement it positions one for excellent Reciprocity!

My advice is a daily method of operation that creates volume in your business.  We have products that have a reputation for better energy, less pain, improved sleep, and improved mental focus combined with less anxiety as well digestion & weight loss solutions!

If there is not an interest in a business opportunity the odds are extremely in your favor to gather them as a customer!

From a business standpoint they are watching every move you make and asking themselves (“Can I do that with confidence?) always remember simplicity and duplication are your best friends.

Understand it is not the compensation plan, products, or pay that captures the heart of your prospect! They want to know will this help my problem?

Could be more money in life or health issue and either way there is a tool that will demonstrate and explain so you do not have too!

Your main vocabulary should always come from a position of response to their comments.

I am so glad you shared that experience with me! It just so happens rite now I am working with some proven experts that have helped a lot of people with that same issue!

Let me text you a short video that can show you how things are improving for many just like you. What is the number you would like me to text that too?

When your daily mission is to text 1 to 3 of those kind of response videos from your (Go Recruit App) 90 days of those part time efforts added up has 270 contacts into a proven system and when operated properly and follow up communication is practiced. Many in our industry have created their foundation to a 7 figure team by enrolling an average of 42.(at $100 times 42 for fast start on a $500 start up pack totaling $4200 With today’s double down bonus that would mean $8400 in fast start money for first work quarter!) That means 228 chose not to build a business.

This is a realistic example of what to expect through a daily process practiced consistently for one full work quarter. By listening more than talking and understanding the true desire of the prospect you can gather over 100 of the 228 who did not want to build a business but wanted a solution our products can bring to the table!

How would it feel to enjoy 100 ten dollar commissions totaling $1000 extra income month after month for simple daily consistency of one work quarter?

Know that is your potential here!

When you realize the true potential on a part time schedule to earn up to 8 grand in fast start money failing more than succeeding and have a potential $1000 a month residual in a single work quarter. Imagine the duplication factor after 4 quarters in a year. I share this with you to show the power behind consistent daily action rather than excuses not to take actions. Some have already surpassed this very potential at Common Sense. Why not You?

My results from 7 people through the Go Recruit app was 4 got started and over $400 was earned! I kinda believe in our system of operation so here it is!

Step 1 Sizzle Call,   ( 1-206-402-0103 pin number is 121379358# ) 2 people per day you personally 3 way phone call to hear the sizzle call together less than 3 minutes! {180 total in 90 days.}

Step 2 (Text 15 minute overview video from go recruit App) 2 people per day for 90 days.

Step 3 (3 way phone call with Up Line) 2 people per day for 90 days. ( Earl Teats 406 291 9190, Eddie Freeman 781 962 4643, Patti Saponaro 972-898-2855, & Joe Melling 702 539 3693)

Saturday training call every week 9am Mountain Time 11 Eastern. 1 206 402 0100 pin number 185274#

Monday night zoom with Joe 7pm email has the link that company sends you every Monday.

Sunday night team call with Patti Saponaro 7 figure earner from our industry up line from me.  (385-318-8856 )

Soon I will be holding a Thursday night Zoom 8pm Montana time every week.

It truly is amazing what is possible embrace this system and never forget God never made a single mistake and he made YOU!

All things are possible for those who believe. I believe in you or this would not be in front of your eyes!

We are a TEAM and that means together everyone achieves more! I am honored to be your sponsor lets earn you some freedom together!

Here is our Team face book page packed with very important training you can practice after you have got your two for the day each day.


Now I also have my personal home business helper face book page open to all members https://www.facebook.com/thehomebusinesshelper

Next video will show you how to locate prospects for any business from your laptop or home computer!

Max Steingart has been my coach for social media since 2013. I was a slow learner by 2016 I got his process shown below and blew up a team from zero to over 700 people in more than 8 countries in 90 days. So I share this not as just a good suggestion but to show you what I actually applied to accomplish what happened. Today with what we have in motion Historic Records are being accomplished! Folks success is a process not a single event every day we grow stronger through the storms of life making results instead of excuses. That process leads to freedom embrace it now. God bless you and have a good day!


A recording of our 90 day game plan conference call training 11/15/2020 is Click Here!

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