7questions multiplied my income

Chase a dangled carrot or make your dreams a reality!

Today lets step into reality for a minute or two!

If you have a job and want to increase your pay by over $1500 within the next two weeks. 99% of the time that is impossible.

A job is meant to be a stepping stone to practice skill sets until one is confident enough to venture on to their own using those skill sets as an entrepreneur to enjoy a raise when desired instead of when the boss says its time!

Look at the top 3% of income earners and realize that not one is an employee and that all are ENTREPRENEURS!

So as an employee of a lawn care company I had an experience of choosing to let my boss drive me around drunk from one job site to the next. Had to even grab the wheel to keep from being hit head on in traffic.

I had to make a choice to take the skills I had and risk my life daily or have enough faith to quit the job and start my own company. So I did and pay went from 12 dollars per hour to $35! Was it easy?

Not even. Fixed a 12 dollar push mower from a yard sale did 4 jobs with it to invest all that money into a weed eater. A few more jobs had a brand spanking new mower and blower. Still every October through April there is snow and no grass to mow!

A friend of mine asked me a seven questions that opened a major door to freedom and of course more income.

“Earl can you listen to a problem of not enough money or a complaint of one who wants to feel better, younger, have more energy, less pain, loose a few pounds, or more sleep?”

“Do you think you could point to a video that shared solutions to those problems so you do not have to be a master sales person?”

“Would you be able to let a person know what time training takes place from 7 figure earners who have duplicated other 7 figure earners each week?”

“Could you introduce a person to a coach that would be there to help them to the next level while you are operating your lawn care company?

” Earl what business owner would not want additional revenue who could practice those same exact skill sets and not have to be a magical trainer or master sales person?”

” Earl if a company with over 60 of those kind of solutions would manufacture and ship those solutions to anyone you provided a link to order with holding a 100% money back guarantee if they were not satisfied. Would it leave you in a position of risk?”

” Earl if the price to be part of such a system was less money than what you paid for a riding mower for your lawn care company could you use some more revenue?”

So I made a Common Sense decision to begin.

After 2 years of practicing those simple skills in August of 2022 a weekly commission showed up on a time commitment of less than 3 hours that week that was 3 times larger than a weeks wages from my lawn care company I put 60 to 80 hours of my time into!

Folks things have improved so much that last week the owners put out a double fast start bonus on all enrollment packs.

There were several people who got started Monday last week who helped 3 other people get started and earned $1500!

That is a nice little raise in less than a week that 99% of job holders will never see!

What if next Thursday night you have 3 guests on our weekly zoom who decide to climb aboard with our Leadership Lifestyle enrollment pack?

There is your $1500 raise on part time efforts for the week!

Our last zoom is here at http://www.projecthealthywealth.com/results

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